


V ARE was found in 2013.

V ARE juxtaposing musical acts with small group shows in interesting and not-so-explored-yet venues, allowing the audience to engage their senses intensely, for the human brain responds to fresh impulses with increased attention and ability to memorise far better. The merging of exhibitions and music within an unusual environment creates an invigorating cocktail of openness, curiosity and suspense, enabling visitors to soak it all up with heightened acuteness, which in turn produces crisp recalls of the experience.

V ARE is based in Vienna.

V ARE started as a party series 2012

V ARE Clara Agnelli & Mario Grubisic | 30 September - 4 October 2013

V ARE Rade Petrasevic & Tamuna Sirbiladze | 18-23 March 2014

V ARE Gullfisk | 17 July 2014

V ARE Adia Trischler & Andreas Waldschütz | October 2014

V ARE 18+ | 1 Febuary 2015

V ARE in BLACK & WHITE May 2016




 V ARE. Association to support Cultural Networks


V ARE’s aim is to create a platform for upcoming artists and musicians. V ARE is a melting pot for different disciplines, reaching out to diverse groups and encouraging them to exchange and benefit from each other’s input. Using us as a means to network bears the promise of otherwise unlikely future collaborations.  










V ARE . Verein zur Förderung kultureller Netzwerke
ZVR-Zahl 017223639


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